The main problem is during the test interval ( for example, 3 hours), the throughput is decreasing gradually and the response time of WebSphere application is getting longer and longer. 主要的问题是在测试间隔(例如,3小时)期间,吞吐量逐渐降低,并且WebSphere应用程序的响应时间变得越来越长。
Testers should identify whether the problem is a pure low throughput problem, or a throughput degradation problem. 测试人员应该识别该问题是一个单纯的低吞吐量问题、还是一个吞吐量降低的问题。
To solve the latter problem, fast cell selection ( PCS) can be used to reduce its interference effectively and then improve the link capacity and data throughput in CDMA system whose capacity is mainly restricted by the downlink. 对于后者,在系统容量受下行链路限制的CDMA系统中,采用快速蜂窝选择(FCS)可以有效地减小下行链路干扰,从而提高系统链路容量和数据吞吐量。
Secondly, we proceed with analysis on scheduling and interrupt handling of operating system. Modifying specific parameters solves the problem pertaining to timer interrupt that has great effect on throughput and stability. 其次从分析操作系统的任务调度和中断机制入手,通过修改特定的参数解决了影响系统数据吞吐率和稳定性的时钟中断问题。
Problem Analysis on the Low Throughput in Tieling-Dalian Oil Pipeline 铁大输油管道低输量问题的分析
At last introduce how to use AIEA to solve traffic grooming problem on maximizing network throughput as the first optimal objective and minimizing end-to-end delay as the second optimal objective with the limits of wavelength number per fiber and transceivers number per node. 最后着重介绍如何利用自适应免疫算法解决在网络波长数和收发器数限制的情况下,最大化网络的吞吐量,同时兼顾业务连接端到端的时延的业务疏导问题。
To resolve the difficult problem of job shop scheduling with developing and batch manufacturing on the same product line, the characteristic of production in this kind of shop was analyzed and the key factors that restrict the increasing of throughput of shop were found. 为解决研制生产和批量生产混合共线生产方式下制定车间作业计划困难的问题,分析了该类车间生产的特点,找到制约车间生产能力提高的关键因素;
An weighted interference canceller for MIMO-OFDM is presented in this paper to reduce the guard interval. It can be used to overcome the problem of error propagation and to improve the throughput of the system. 提出了一种MIMO-OFDM系统中采用加权多径干扰抵消(W-MPIC)来减少保护间隔开销的方法,可克服多径干扰抵消中误差传播问题,进一步提高OFDM系统的传输容量。
We first transform the task of computing the throughput capacity region into a mathematical optimization problem without introducing any additional parameters. By using a greedy algorithm to solve the optimization problem, the non-parametric characterization of the throughput capacity region of HDR can be obtained. 首先把HDR吞吐率容量区域的计算问题转化为一个不带参数的数学优化问题,然后通过贪婪算法求解得到该优化问题的解,从而最终给出了HDR吞吐率容量区域的非参数解析刻划。
The analysis and the experiment results show that, this protocol solves the contradictory problem of energy consumption and delay, it is energy-efficient and low-latency in the data gathering, Furthermore, it has good throughput. 分析和实验结果表明,该协议解决了同步帧协议中的能耗和延时的矛盾问题,在数据汇集过程中具有低能耗和低延时的性能,并且具有较高的吞吐量。
By converting the system model and detailed theoretical analysis, the optimal resource allocation algorithm under this scenario is derived. Second, based on the above system model, the optimal problem of maximizing throughput is also formulated in the context of multi users. 其次,基于上述模型,论文以最优化系统吞吐量为目的,建立了多用户场景下的优化模型,通过分析及假设给出了该场景下的吞吐量最大化资源分配算法。
The problem of resource optimization becomes more complicated in OFDM based wireless relay system where the subcarrier and power resources are required to be jointly allocated to each hop for the maximization of system throughput. 结合了OFDM技术的无线中继系统中的资源优化分配问题变得更加复杂,需要把子载波和功率资源联合地分配给系统中的各跳节点,以求最大限度地提高系统吞吐量。
Considering the optimization problem of maximizing hose model throughput, the author proposes SBR MRUF ( Shortest Balanced Routing MRUF) heuristic algorithm. 针对OC-1连接请求条件下的Hose模型吞吐量最大的优化设计问题,作者提出了SBRMRUF(ShortestBalancedRoutingMRUF)的启发式算法。
In this paper, the different kinds of multiple access methods are taking into consideration and a maximizing utility problem with the constraints of minimum rate requirement and network throughput limit is formed. 本文考虑两种网络不同多址方式对吞吐量的影响,采用对数的效用函数,建立了以用户最小速率和网络吞吐量为约束,以最大化异构网络效用为目标的优化问题。
The optimal power allocation problem is formulated with the end-to-end effective links throughput constraint. 论文研究了多跳链路端到端有效链路信道容量约束下的自适应功率分配问题。
The multi-hop relay technology is a promising option to solve this problem, which can achieve coverage extension and throughput enhancement. 此时,能够有效延伸覆盖、提高小区吞吐量的多跳中继技术成为解决这一问题的首选。
Power control is a cross-layer problem which can affect the connectivity, throughput, energy consumption and network life and many other network performance indicators. 无线网络中的功率控制是一个跨层问题,它能影响无线网络的连通性、吞吐量、能耗和网络生命周期等多项性能指标。
Therefore, we can not always count on a kind of steadfast, successive maths model to settle the problem we countered in pursuing prediction to throughput of container, especially on a long term. 对港口集装箱吞吐量预测,尤其是对远期作出精确预测,不能指望有一种固定有效的数学模型。
The resource allocation problem for this system is also modeled as an optimization problem, i.e., improving the utilization of system resources and maximizing the system throughput with the QoS requirement of each MS guaranteed. 上述系统的资源分配问题仍然被建模为一个优化问题,即在保证各MS的QOS需求的前提下,提高系统的资源利用率,最大化系统速率。
CoMP which makes use of coordinated transmission among multi-cells, effectively solves the problem of multi-cell edge interference, improves the throughput of cell edge, and thereby expands coverage of high-speed transmission. CoMP技术利用多个小区间的协作传输,有效解决多小区边缘干扰问题,从而提高小区边缘和系统容量,扩大高速传输覆盖。
In recent years, as a way of handling problem of packet loss, FEC can effectively improve the transmission throughput and application quality in the presence of terrible network condition and real-time application. 近年来,FEC作为一种丢包处理方式,其在实时网络应用和较恶劣网络环境上的应用,能够有效提高网络的传输性能和应用质量。
In cognitive radio network, the available throughput is usually an evaluation index of access strategy and sharing strategy. The spectrum sensing optimization problem which is to maximize the throughput has become the research hotspot in recent years. 在认知网络中,机会接入吞吐量通常作为评价接入策略和共享策略的重要指标,以吞吐量最大化为目标函数构建的频谱感知优化问题已成为近年来的研究热点。
Opportunistic routing, one of them, gives a new way to solve the problem in WMN by breaking the traditional "Next Node" mode. Opportunistic routing increases the spatial frequency spectrum utilization and system throughput. 机会路由作为其中的一种,打破了传统的下一跳传输模式,通过转发节点集合的新传输模式提高空间频谱利用率,增大了网络的吞吐量。
Among these, wireless relay is proposed to solve the problem of expanding the coverage of the cell, and improving the cell edge throughput. 其中,无线中继传输技术的捉出,是为了解决扩大覆盖、提高小区边缘吞吐量的问题,自提出以来,逐渐成为研究的热点之一。
Most past studies for the problem focused on the single-channel single-radio wireless mesh networks. The single channel single radio property severely hinders the network throughput. 对于该问题的已有研究大多集中于单信道单接口无线网状网络,但是单信道单接口会严重阻碍网络吞吐量的提高。